Introducing: The DWI Journal
I saw a need for a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the science and law of DWI, so I started one!
I’m creating something big this year: The DWI Journal.
It will be the first and only peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed research and commentary on all aspects of DWI science and law.
We publish case reports, legal analyses, original research, literature reviews, technical notes, and viewpoints.
Each manuscript goes through a double-blind review by at least two peers.
The scientific editorial board includes me, Alessandro Ferrero, Glenn Hardin, Jan Semenoff, Josh Ott, Kevin Schug, Ronald Henson, and Thomas Burr.
The legal editorial board includes Charles Ramsay, David Risk, Michelle Behan, and Ted Vosk.
If you’re interested in submitting an article, read the aims and scope and submit it!
If you’re interested in being a peer reviewer, let me know.
Here’s our about page:
We’ve already had a few submissions and will be publishing soon!